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Adventure Voyage is our children’s ministry and is designed to teach all children (Adventurers) how to develop a relationship with God and to have a more comprehensive understanding of His word. In addition, the ministry helps the children start the journey (The Voyage) to learning and understanding what their purpose in life is so that they have a sense of fulfillment. And, to understand the importance of loving others unconditionally as Christ loves us and to serve their communities with pride and humility. AV is broken up into three different classes by age groups: 

Explorers (4-6)


Navigators (7-9)





Mission Statement

Adventure Voyage’s mission is to train all children (Adventurers) to increasing in their knowledge of God and His word, begin the journey (Voyage) to discovering their life’s purpose, provide them with strategies to grow and advance as individuals, inspire them to serve their communities and love others unconditionally.


 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

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